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Making a Difference

Our free Offbeat Activism project comprises six online workshops that focus on harnessing your creativity and different ways of thinking to create a social action campaign that addresses issues you are passionate about within your community. Our programme covers a range of topics around social action including: Public Speaking, Video Campaigns, Politics, Networking, and more! This project is suitable for young people from the ages of 16- 25 years old.

Lockdown Webinar Collage

Coming Together

Social action is all about people coming together to help improve their lives and solve the problems that are important in their communities. Our programme is a great way to build up your skill set, interact with like-minded,  and creative individuals, and work collaboratively to create innovative solutions. 

Lockdown Webinar Collage

Our Impact



Young people engaged

Countries reached


Webinars delivered


Of participants felt more confident after the workshops.

Webinar Program

Zahrah Surooprajally

Make it Happen: Social Action 101

Led by Zahrah Surooprajally, Social

Activist & Youtuber

This session will allow you to identify issues you’re passionate about and address problems that exist within your community. Our workshop will give you an opportunity to express your voice in a creative way,and
harness your potential to create positive changes in your community.


Zinah Mohammed

Networking Across Borders

Led by Zinah Mohammed, Human

Rights Lawyer

This session will teach you how to reach out to local organisations and diversify your network! Our workshop will teach you how to campaign for change to your local representatives, raise awareness of your campaign within your community, and connect with individuals in the most authentic and effective way possible.

Nat Hawley
Amy Ling

Time to rewind and reflect on your social action journey! Join us in this session of reflection and mindful meditation.

Creating a Video Campaign

Led by Nat Hawley, Co-Founder of

Divergent Thinking

Our Workshop will teach you the skills
needed to create fun and engaging video content for your Social Action Video Campaign that inspires and persuades others. By the end of the workshop you will overcome any fears of digital public speaking, and learn how to create empowering videos that tell your story the way you want to.



Reflection and Mindful Meditation

Led by Amy Ling, Founder of Luna


Time to reflect on your social action journey and unwind! Our workshop will provide an introduction to meditation and its benefits.
You will participate in a session of relaxing meditation, and by the end of session, you will understand how to manage stress, improve productivity, and re-connect with yourself.



Charles Mslianga

Own Your Voice: Public Speaking

Led by Charles Mslianga, CEO of PCDC Africa.

This session will teach you the skills needed to overcome any fears of public speaking and help you communicate in your own authentic and creative way that inspires and
persuades others. Public Speaking is an invaluable skill and is important not only in the professional sphere but in every aspect of our lives. 



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